Sorry to everyone that I have not posted in so long. I went back to work 3 weeks ago and also back to school too. I am taking Finance 476, a Sr. Financial Management class and it is keeping me pretty busy. I'm also trying to take a Biology correspondence course through LSU. I only have 6 classes left to graduate, but I have these 6 science credits hanging over my head. I'm trying to find a way to get through these before next May when I should graduate. Yikes, I love finance and hate science.
Anyway, on to the subject that everyone is really interested in, Almira. She is just doing wonderfully. As I type this she is at the lake fishing with her Pawpaw. She went up to the camp with Mom and Dad yesterday afternoon and spent the night. She just loves it and really loves fishing. I can't believe how much she loves to fish. I called to check on her this morning and she told me that she woke Almira up at 6:15 this morning and she went out fishing with my Dad. I couldn't believe she got up that early, but Mom said she was so excited to go fishing, it didn't seem to bother her.
Almira is doing so well on her English. She is speaking almost all English now and is making full and complete sentences. We still have a way to go on her social skills. She is fine around adults, but is so intimidated around other children. We really have to work on that as school starts in less than a month.
I do have some new pictures to post. I finally got them all downloaded off Mom's camera from our trip down south last month. There may even be a few more. Just wanted everyone to know that all is well. The girls are still having a blast together. Oh, I almost forgot. Our family has really been growing. Sarah got 2 hermit crabs a few weeks ago and the next day Almira got a little hamster. She had been wanting a pet of her own so badly and I couldn't add anymore cats or dogs, since we already had 2 cats and 1 dog. I told her she could keep her hamster in her room and take care of her. She is just loving having her. She is a robo hamster and so she is just tiny.
Almira has also been sewing a lot. Last weekend we went baby doll shopping. That's all she could talk about, that she wanted a baby doll. So we went and spent over an hour with her looking and comparing until she finally found the one she wanted. This week she started sewing her clothes. She hand sewed her a full outfit, shirt, pants, booties and a bonnet. I could not believe how well she did. Mom is just blown away at how well she can sew. She is already working on sewing her another outfit.
I will try and do better on posting and will get some pictures to you now.
Kathy B.