Today was a very exciting day that began with one very nervous 15 year old. Today was awards day for the middle school for Almira. She was so nervous. You would have thought she was going to have to stand up and give a verbal rendition of her first year of school or something. I assured her that she would be getting one award for Principal's Club (all A's for the year) and she would not be on the stage by herself. So much for Mom's promises. She did receive an award for Principal's club ... then she received an award for highest GPA in Bible class for the 6th grade girls ... then she received Most Christ Like for a 6th grade girl. Then the principal kept her up on the stage by herself and presented her the Soaring Eagle Award for middle school (the last award for the day). He explained her story about how she had only been home less than a year and was adopted from (he said Russia - but that's okay). He talked about how she had made so much progress and excelled in the classroom and adjusted so well to school. He said this is a special award for a middle school student that goes above and beyond what is expected of them. I was shaking so much I barely got it all on camera.
Needless to say we are so proud of her. She has done remarkably well and is just growing up into such a fine young lady. I will attach some pictures of her awards day today.
Also, we took in some baby kittens about 3 weeks ago, when they were just 2 weeks old. They are now getting close to 6 weeks old and the time has come for us to find a home for them. We got them off the bottle this weekend and eating solid food. They are just adorable. So if anyone knows of a really good home for them. We can't do 5 cats in our house. Besides our 3 big kitties are rebelling, none of them are happy right now. As I type this both kittens are snuggled up next to Jon on their backs with their little feet in the air, sound asleep.
Good night to everyone! Sarah's awards day is tomorrow so I'll post after that.
Kathy B.