Today has been a wonderful Mother's Day. But I'll start with yesterday. I graduated from college yesterday. I will post pictures. I finally finished my finance degree. I now have a BSBF, that is Bachelor of Science in Business Finance. Sounds awfully official. The best was having the whole family there. Jon, Sarah and I headed up Friday afternoon after work. Almira stayed with Mom and Dad because they have Katherine for just a few more days. We wanted the girls to have one last sleep over together. Katherine is flying back to Moldova on Monday and we are all terribly sad.
My brother, Doug drove up in his suburban and brought Mom, Dad, Katherine and Almira on Saturday morning. After graduation we went and ate at the Flying Fish, a great restaurant in Little Rock. We really wanted something nicer (or I did), but nothing was serving dinner at 4PM on Saturday. The Flying Fish is a dive, but with great food. The picture with Almira holding something was her first attempt at eating raw oysters. Katherine loves them and fixed her one. It barely got down, I think.
The last picture is of all my girls together for Mother's Day lunch. We had a really good time and Katherine is still here playing with Sarah and Almira.
Well enough with all that, here are the pictures.
P. S. Did you notice the name change, I decided since Almira has been home almost one year (June 1st) it was time to change the name from an adoption blog to the chronicles. Since I am out of school I will try to do better updating my blog. Sometimes I think I'm the only one to read it and I just enjoy journaling.