Monday, May 12, 2008

Good bye Katherine ...

Today was a very sad day. Katherine returned to Moldova. Her time here as a student has ended and she had to return home. She will be missed terribly. Our family has come to think of her as another daughter. I'm so happy that we had the time with her that we had. Her contract for her scholarship said she must return to Moldova and cannot come back to the US for 2 years. We will be counting the days.

Right now our plans are to travel there next summer, me and my girls. Our church does a mission trip to the Ukraine every summer and I'm hoping we can make that trip and visit Katherine while we're there, since they are so close.

I know that her family will be so glad to have her home, but right now we are missing her.

Much love to you, our sweet Katherine. We'll talk with you soon.


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