Pictures: Fun at the beach, building a sand castle. A yearly tradition in the shark's mouth. The last day, walking back to the car. Saying goodbye was hard.
We arrived home Saturday night late and finally all got to bed about 11:30. It took most of the day Sunday to get unpacked and then into Monday to get all the laundry done. Monday morning started off with a trip to vet. Molly, the kitten, has not been feeling well for a couple of days. Sunday she just wasn't herself. She wasn't eating much and just cried and cried. She stayed curled up next to me most of the day on Sunday just sleeping and purring. A trip to the vet led to major surgery. Seems as though our baby Molly ate a 6 inch piece of elastic string. She had major surgery but is expected to recover.
We are going to have a quiet night this New Year's Eve. Mom and Dad are taking the girls up to my aunt's house in the country to see all my cousins and everyone. I am in the bed with a bad foot. I found out in July of this year that I have plantar faciatis and a bone spur on my left foot. After all the walking I did the last few days, I got up yesterday morning and pulled my crutches back out. Every step is so painful. I am trying to stay off my feet as much as possible, which is okay since I've been studying for a biology clep since yesterday morning. I have some more great pictures of the girls from the beach, that is the main reason for my post.
If you read this, say a little prayer for our baby Molly. I'm sure she is feeling pretty scared, lonely and hurting right now. She can't come home until Thursday, maybe.
Kathy B.
We arrived home Saturday night late and finally all got to bed about 11:30. It took most of the day Sunday to get unpacked and then into Monday to get all the laundry done. Monday morning started off with a trip to vet. Molly, the kitten, has not been feeling well for a couple of days. Sunday she just wasn't herself. She wasn't eating much and just cried and cried. She stayed curled up next to me most of the day on Sunday just sleeping and purring. A trip to the vet led to major surgery. Seems as though our baby Molly ate a 6 inch piece of elastic string. She had major surgery but is expected to recover.
We are going to have a quiet night this New Year's Eve. Mom and Dad are taking the girls up to my aunt's house in the country to see all my cousins and everyone. I am in the bed with a bad foot. I found out in July of this year that I have plantar faciatis and a bone spur on my left foot. After all the walking I did the last few days, I got up yesterday morning and pulled my crutches back out. Every step is so painful. I am trying to stay off my feet as much as possible, which is okay since I've been studying for a biology clep since yesterday morning. I have some more great pictures of the girls from the beach, that is the main reason for my post.
If you read this, say a little prayer for our baby Molly. I'm sure she is feeling pretty scared, lonely and hurting right now. She can't come home until Thursday, maybe.
Kathy B.