I can't believe it has been a month since I posted. Things have been crazy but fun here. We have been so busy with school, choir, soccer and just life. The girls finished their first 9 weeks of school a few weeks ago and the report cards have come out. Sarah did well and Almira did wonderful. She had all A's and only one B, and that was a B+. 93 is an A and she made a 92 in math.
Also Almira joined the soccer team at school and I really think she is enjoying it. They had their first game last night and the girls won 3 to 1. It was my first real soccer game to see and I'm afraid I don't know the rules very well. It is a learning experience for all of us. Almira has soccer practice on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday evenings, but now that games have started, she will play more games than have practice. It is great for her to be a part of a team. I hope she will make some friends. That is the only part she is still struggling with really.
We also added a new family member. I will attach a picture of her. I have been feeding a stray mama kitty up here where I work for about 3 months. She had kittens on Labor Day weekend, first weekend in September. The second week in October, when the kittens were about 4 to 5 weeks old, the mother was moving them across the parking lot and a girl that knows me saw this baby kitten left sitting there. She went and picked her up and brought her to me at my desk. She is quite adorable. She was very skittish at first, but the Mom is pretty wild. Now she is totally tame and is quite a cutie pie. She has so many colors on her she looks like a patch work quilt. She is mostly black, but has patches of orange tabby fur and then also some white patches. The girls decided to call her Molly. Of course she is Almira's kitten and living in Almira's room until the big cats get used to her.
I think she can hold her own against the big cats now, even though she is tiny. We took her to the vet on October 12th and she weighed 1 pound. She came home on October 9th. I have so many pictures of so much we have done, but I'll have to put in another post.
Tonight is Halloween and the girls are so excited. We are even bringing Katherine, our new college friend from Moldova with us tonight. She has never seen trick-or-treating before and is excited about going. I will have pictures of that to post later, along with Almira's first soccer game pictures.
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