We had to pick a name today. I was really hoping for Almira Grace, but she just didn't seem to take to it. So we tried Almira Hope, Almira Ann, then Almira suggested Almira Elizabeth, she wanted to be like Sarah. I told her that normally you don't have two children in the family with the same middle name. I asked if there was a Russian name that she liked that we could use, like Natya or Katya. Kathryn is translated from Katya. She said Kathryn, like mine. She said she wanted a name like her American Mama. She calls me her American Mama right now. So we tossed it around a little bit and I asked her if she really liked it. She said that's what she wanted, to be named like me. Jon thought it sounded good and Maria and the teacher in the room that it sounded good. I'll admit I'm having some trouble getting used to it, just because I never thought about naming anyone after me. It does sound pretty together when you just say Almira Kathryn.
We had a really good visit today. We brought our Louisiana Alphabet book and our small dry erase board. Jon drew and talked to her a lot today. They read the book together. He said everything he read she repeated back to him and sounded really good.
She asked a lot of questions today. She asked about water parks, roller coasters, Santa Claus, did he come. Maria said she is a serious girl and thinks alot. It is hard to read her sometimes. It looks like something is worrying her and then she's okay. Maria said she is just thinking really hard about everything. She said this is good, that she considers everything so thoroughly. Almira is concerned about school mostly and does not want to get behind. We told her today that we want her to keep her Russian and she said she plans to. She said there is no way she can ever forget Russian.
Almira said when she comes to school in America, she just won't talk, just will do her algebra, since it is the same in Russian. Then she just laughed. Maria did find out today that we can't change Almira's birthday. I really hate that. She is going to be a very young 14 year old. She will be 14 in about 6th grade.
She also out of the blue today asked why we were going to leave her after court. I explained to Maria that I had to go back to work now, so I could spend more time with her this summer. She also explained about Jon's situation that he had to help his father out, who is older. Then I told her Sarah would be upset with me if I didn't come home and get her, so she could come pick up Almira. She laughed at that and seemed okay after the explanation.
Maria asked Almira today if she wanted to come home with us and live in America, she said yes. She explained about court and what would happen. She said that Almira would be asked questions by the judge and have to say she wanted to come home with us. She said she would say that and she did want to be adopted. I told her about more friends of hers back home that wanted to talk to her. I asked her if alot of her friends had been adopted and she got kind of sad looking and nodded her head. I will show her more pictures tomorrow of her friends.
Jon thought today went really well. Almira is very excited about coming to our apartment tomorrow. She and Boris will get here about 2:20 and can stay until about 7:30. Then Sunday she can come at 11:20 and stay until 8 PM. It's Friday night here and we're just going to stay in and watch some movies. We have no American channels, but we can watch Animal Planet in Russian.
We did get some bad news today. Svetlana (our lawyer we haven't met yet) talked to the judge today and said the judge said she would need 4 days to review our documents before court after the bonding period. It looks like it might be Friday before we can get court, if we are lucky. So pray really hard the judge lets up and let's us have court on Thursday, Friday at the latest. There is no guarantee the judge won't make us wait until Monday or Tuesday. Maybe we can fly home on Sunday, the 29th. Just pray hard. I did tell Maria the other day about Jon’s situation and how desperately we need to get home for work. I explained about his father’s hip surgery and how difficult it is for his father to try and run the business by himself. I was hoping this would persuade the judge to let us have court earlier. So far it didn’t do any good. We’ll just keep praying the judge reconsiders and lets us have court on Wednesday or Thursday.
I’m posting a picture of Jon and Almira. Jon was reading her the Louisiana Alphabet book and she was thoroughly enjoying it. I catch her just watching him. She studies him like she is fascinated by him. He does laugh and joke around with her a lot. He makes her laugh all the time. Jon was saying words out of the book and she was repeating them.
We talked about English today. I was concerned about Almira knowing basic English like the alphabet and vowels and constanants. Maria never got around to asking her specifically, but when she asked her what she was studying in English right now Almira told her the history of Southeast Asia. Well, I think that answers our question of her knowing basic English. I almost wonder if she can read and comprehend English, but not speak it so well. Oh well, we’ll find out more tomorrow when she comes to visit.
Good night. We’re about to get back to our series we’ve been watching 24. Jon said this was the best thing I brought. That and the Ziploc bag of chocolates for the kids. I just can’t keep my big kid out of it.
Tell later.
Kathy B.
We had a really good visit today. We brought our Louisiana Alphabet book and our small dry erase board. Jon drew and talked to her a lot today. They read the book together. He said everything he read she repeated back to him and sounded really good.
She asked a lot of questions today. She asked about water parks, roller coasters, Santa Claus, did he come. Maria said she is a serious girl and thinks alot. It is hard to read her sometimes. It looks like something is worrying her and then she's okay. Maria said she is just thinking really hard about everything. She said this is good, that she considers everything so thoroughly. Almira is concerned about school mostly and does not want to get behind. We told her today that we want her to keep her Russian and she said she plans to. She said there is no way she can ever forget Russian.
Almira said when she comes to school in America, she just won't talk, just will do her algebra, since it is the same in Russian. Then she just laughed. Maria did find out today that we can't change Almira's birthday. I really hate that. She is going to be a very young 14 year old. She will be 14 in about 6th grade.
She also out of the blue today asked why we were going to leave her after court. I explained to Maria that I had to go back to work now, so I could spend more time with her this summer. She also explained about Jon's situation that he had to help his father out, who is older. Then I told her Sarah would be upset with me if I didn't come home and get her, so she could come pick up Almira. She laughed at that and seemed okay after the explanation.
Maria asked Almira today if she wanted to come home with us and live in America, she said yes. She explained about court and what would happen. She said that Almira would be asked questions by the judge and have to say she wanted to come home with us. She said she would say that and she did want to be adopted. I told her about more friends of hers back home that wanted to talk to her. I asked her if alot of her friends had been adopted and she got kind of sad looking and nodded her head. I will show her more pictures tomorrow of her friends.
Jon thought today went really well. Almira is very excited about coming to our apartment tomorrow. She and Boris will get here about 2:20 and can stay until about 7:30. Then Sunday she can come at 11:20 and stay until 8 PM. It's Friday night here and we're just going to stay in and watch some movies. We have no American channels, but we can watch Animal Planet in Russian.
We did get some bad news today. Svetlana (our lawyer we haven't met yet) talked to the judge today and said the judge said she would need 4 days to review our documents before court after the bonding period. It looks like it might be Friday before we can get court, if we are lucky. So pray really hard the judge lets up and let's us have court on Thursday, Friday at the latest. There is no guarantee the judge won't make us wait until Monday or Tuesday. Maybe we can fly home on Sunday, the 29th. Just pray hard. I did tell Maria the other day about Jon’s situation and how desperately we need to get home for work. I explained about his father’s hip surgery and how difficult it is for his father to try and run the business by himself. I was hoping this would persuade the judge to let us have court earlier. So far it didn’t do any good. We’ll just keep praying the judge reconsiders and lets us have court on Wednesday or Thursday.
I’m posting a picture of Jon and Almira. Jon was reading her the Louisiana Alphabet book and she was thoroughly enjoying it. I catch her just watching him. She studies him like she is fascinated by him. He does laugh and joke around with her a lot. He makes her laugh all the time. Jon was saying words out of the book and she was repeating them.
We talked about English today. I was concerned about Almira knowing basic English like the alphabet and vowels and constanants. Maria never got around to asking her specifically, but when she asked her what she was studying in English right now Almira told her the history of Southeast Asia. Well, I think that answers our question of her knowing basic English. I almost wonder if she can read and comprehend English, but not speak it so well. Oh well, we’ll find out more tomorrow when she comes to visit.
Good night. We’re about to get back to our series we’ve been watching 24. Jon said this was the best thing I brought. That and the Ziploc bag of chocolates for the kids. I just can’t keep my big kid out of it.
Tell later.
Kathy B.
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