We had a really good time Almira's first day home on Saturday. The girls slept in and I fixed breakfast, just some fruit and yogurt. We went to the farmers' market and then to the grocery store. Almira got to taste of lots of things and really liked some sausage they were giving samples of. We were grilling last night so we got some and cooked with our hamburgers. After lunch we went to Mom and Dad's and Almira got to see my parents' house. Then we headed out to Doug and Katy's house and she got a tour there. We all ended up outside with the kids playing frisbee.
Sunday morning we took it easy again and I cooked lunch for Mom, Dad, Doug, Katy and the kids. That is the fullest my table has ever been. I think we need to expand. There are now 10 of us. Wow! Almira got her first full southern meal of roast beef, fresh green beans and new potatoes, squash and corn bread. She didn't care much yet for the green beans or corn bread. But I pulled out the potato salad I made last night and that was a hit.
After lunch the girls drew some and just played. Almira motioned to me that she wanted to knit. I didn't have the things to knit or crochet so went headed out to get some. Almira made me a beautiful crocheted doily and brought it to me in Almaty.
We are having such a good time. Tonight my friend in California, Jill, had her daughter call and talk to Almira. They talked for almost an hour in Russian. Jill's daughter Laney was adopted last summer from the Regional orphanage where Almira was. Jill, I hope I got the time right on that. It was so good for Almira to have someone to talk to. I had some questions and some things I needed her to tell Almira and she was able to tell me some things. I think it was really good to hear things from another girl that was adopted not too long ago and has been in the same situation that Almira is in now.
After that the girls got in the hot tub and ate some ice cold watermelon. I just had to send a picture of that. They were so funny. It's like they've been friends forver. I don't know how the communicate, but they talk and play games. Just too much fun.
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