This is Almira in the red reading Sarah's first letter after opening her presents.
So much has happened and I just hope I can remember all the important details and the order that things have happened. This is really long.
Sarah and I have been sponsoring a girl named Almira that we found on a website back in late November or early December. One thing has led to the other. It is truly amazing. http://www.antares-orphans.com/index.asp
Nov. 2006 – Find out Luba was probably adopted by Kaz family. Told that our dossier is at the MOE. Before Thanksgiving I was sent an e-mail by a friend adopting from Russia about the Voice of the Orphan. Listened to several radio broadcast on Focus on the Family where they talk about a church from Brenham, TX that adopted 41 kids from Kazakhstan. They started a ministry in their church. I order the book and CD about starting an orphan ministry in our church.
Dec. 2006- Find out about the Antares Foundation from the on-line community. Call and speak with the Mom who adopted from Kazak that started the program. We decide to sponsor a child. Sarah and I are both taken with a girl named Almira. Almira is 13 and will be 14 in April. We mail a box of gifts to her and the other children. Sarah writes her a letter and sends her a picture of Star.
Jan. 2007 –
Find the website for Suzanne and Jay Faske from Brenham, TX. They adopted 12 children, 4 of which are from Kazakhstan. Most of their children are older children. Sill no word from our agency on our dossier and what region or what child is available. Can’t get Almira off my mind. I’m planning what birthday present to send her for her birthday in April.
Jan. 11th – Scott lets me know about a 12 month old in Kyzlorda. He will get me more information.
Jan. 19th – Get e-mail from Boris of the Antares Foundation with pictures of Almira opening her presents and reading Sarah’s letter. She is so beautiful and looks like such a sweet child. Found out our dossier was supposed to be picked up at the MOE this past Saturday and that didn’t happen. We still don’t have a region or a child. Realize that Astana is not going to work out because of 10 days after bonding period to go to court. We would be there a full month the first trip.
Feb. 2007 –
Feb. 2 – Get e-mail from Scott about 5 baby girls in Kostenay. He will get me more information. Also, dossier still not released from MOE.
Feb. 14th – Still no word on our dossier. It has still not been picked up. We still have no region and no child. Hear from Scott that Svetlana really wants to do our adoption which would be in Uralsk or Petro. Almira is in Petro. I start thinking about going to meet her and maybe hand deliver her a birthday present.
Feb. 19th – Get e-mail from Boris with letter attached from Almira to Sarah and some drawings she did. Planning on what kind of birthday present to send her and finding out about her size. We want to send her an outfit. I really hope we get to meet her. I wonder if she is available for adoption, but I don’t ask.
Feb. 20th – E-mail Apryl Brock of the Antares Foundation to see if she would know what size Almira would wear. She was there this summer and saw Almira. She said she is a wonderful girl. She mentions that she is available for adoption at the end of her e-mail, just FYI. We talk a few more times. Hear from Scott that still no dossiers are coming out – they have no idea why not.
Talk to Sarah about what would she think about a big sister. She loves the idea. Talked to Jon, he has to think about it, a lot. He mentions that maybe she doesn’t even want to be adopted. We decide to pray and think about it for a while.
Feb. 21st – Getting ready for work Jon and I are talking about Almira. Jon is asking what if Almira doesn't even want to be adopted. How will we know she even wants a family.
I get to work and have an e-mail from Apryl Brock. She is responding to my e-mail about freaky things happening. She then mentions that she knows Suzanne Faske from Brenham, TX and that I should call her. She said that Almira has been a waiting child on their website for 2 years. I check out the website, see her picture and decide to call Suzanne. http://www.angelfire.com/az3/foreverfamilies/WaitingChildren.html
I called Suzanne we talk for over an hour. She said every time she has adopted it has been exactly like what I’m experiencing. She said God has totally turned her around and sent in her a different direction than where she thought she should go. God has made them change countries. The first time they adopted they were going to China – sound familiar? They wanted a toddler or a baby – sound familiar? They have now adopted 12 children, some of them older. They adopted a girl named Abagail, she was in the same orphanage as Almira and they were best friends. Wow, pretty amazing.
She said she has personally met Almira and she is a wonderful girl. She said of all the children she knows over there, Almira would be the one she would want to adopt. She thinks Almira was probably on the registry a few years back.
I’ve called Scott to find out more information on Almira. Maybe this is why our dossier is not being released.
Update - Get an e-mail from Scott Friday morning, our dossier was released and is on its way to Petro - where Almira is.
This is almost unbeleivable. I know that we have a big God, a God that can still perform miracles that we can't comprehend. My argument with God leading up to this, was we can't adopt a girl this old. My plan is to adopt a little girl, not a big girl. We can't adopt out of birth order. Well maybe we can. I now feel that I am receiving confirmation from one place after another.
Thursday I e-mailed Michele Williams who moderates the Yahoo Petro list. She also adopted an older girl from there. Her daughter and Almira were friends and she sent me pictures of them together from about 2 years ago. All the ladies I have spoken with had wonderful things to say about Almira. We are now waiting to hear from Scott on if she is truly legally available for adoption.
So much has happened and I just hope I can remember all the important details and the order that things have happened. This is really long.
Sarah and I have been sponsoring a girl named Almira that we found on a website back in late November or early December. One thing has led to the other. It is truly amazing. http://www.antares-orphans.com/index.asp
Nov. 2006 – Find out Luba was probably adopted by Kaz family. Told that our dossier is at the MOE. Before Thanksgiving I was sent an e-mail by a friend adopting from Russia about the Voice of the Orphan. Listened to several radio broadcast on Focus on the Family where they talk about a church from Brenham, TX that adopted 41 kids from Kazakhstan. They started a ministry in their church. I order the book and CD about starting an orphan ministry in our church.
Dec. 2006- Find out about the Antares Foundation from the on-line community. Call and speak with the Mom who adopted from Kazak that started the program. We decide to sponsor a child. Sarah and I are both taken with a girl named Almira. Almira is 13 and will be 14 in April. We mail a box of gifts to her and the other children. Sarah writes her a letter and sends her a picture of Star.
Jan. 2007 –
Find the website for Suzanne and Jay Faske from Brenham, TX. They adopted 12 children, 4 of which are from Kazakhstan. Most of their children are older children. Sill no word from our agency on our dossier and what region or what child is available. Can’t get Almira off my mind. I’m planning what birthday present to send her for her birthday in April.
Jan. 11th – Scott lets me know about a 12 month old in Kyzlorda. He will get me more information.
Jan. 19th – Get e-mail from Boris of the Antares Foundation with pictures of Almira opening her presents and reading Sarah’s letter. She is so beautiful and looks like such a sweet child. Found out our dossier was supposed to be picked up at the MOE this past Saturday and that didn’t happen. We still don’t have a region or a child. Realize that Astana is not going to work out because of 10 days after bonding period to go to court. We would be there a full month the first trip.
Feb. 2007 –
Feb. 2 – Get e-mail from Scott about 5 baby girls in Kostenay. He will get me more information. Also, dossier still not released from MOE.
Feb. 14th – Still no word on our dossier. It has still not been picked up. We still have no region and no child. Hear from Scott that Svetlana really wants to do our adoption which would be in Uralsk or Petro. Almira is in Petro. I start thinking about going to meet her and maybe hand deliver her a birthday present.
Feb. 19th – Get e-mail from Boris with letter attached from Almira to Sarah and some drawings she did. Planning on what kind of birthday present to send her and finding out about her size. We want to send her an outfit. I really hope we get to meet her. I wonder if she is available for adoption, but I don’t ask.
Feb. 20th – E-mail Apryl Brock of the Antares Foundation to see if she would know what size Almira would wear. She was there this summer and saw Almira. She said she is a wonderful girl. She mentions that she is available for adoption at the end of her e-mail, just FYI. We talk a few more times. Hear from Scott that still no dossiers are coming out – they have no idea why not.
Talk to Sarah about what would she think about a big sister. She loves the idea. Talked to Jon, he has to think about it, a lot. He mentions that maybe she doesn’t even want to be adopted. We decide to pray and think about it for a while.
Feb. 21st – Getting ready for work Jon and I are talking about Almira. Jon is asking what if Almira doesn't even want to be adopted. How will we know she even wants a family.
I get to work and have an e-mail from Apryl Brock. She is responding to my e-mail about freaky things happening. She then mentions that she knows Suzanne Faske from Brenham, TX and that I should call her. She said that Almira has been a waiting child on their website for 2 years. I check out the website, see her picture and decide to call Suzanne. http://www.angelfire.com/az3/foreverfamilies/WaitingChildren.html
I called Suzanne we talk for over an hour. She said every time she has adopted it has been exactly like what I’m experiencing. She said God has totally turned her around and sent in her a different direction than where she thought she should go. God has made them change countries. The first time they adopted they were going to China – sound familiar? They wanted a toddler or a baby – sound familiar? They have now adopted 12 children, some of them older. They adopted a girl named Abagail, she was in the same orphanage as Almira and they were best friends. Wow, pretty amazing.
She said she has personally met Almira and she is a wonderful girl. She said of all the children she knows over there, Almira would be the one she would want to adopt. She thinks Almira was probably on the registry a few years back.
I’ve called Scott to find out more information on Almira. Maybe this is why our dossier is not being released.
Update - Get an e-mail from Scott Friday morning, our dossier was released and is on its way to Petro - where Almira is.
This is almost unbeleivable. I know that we have a big God, a God that can still perform miracles that we can't comprehend. My argument with God leading up to this, was we can't adopt a girl this old. My plan is to adopt a little girl, not a big girl. We can't adopt out of birth order. Well maybe we can. I now feel that I am receiving confirmation from one place after another.
Thursday I e-mailed Michele Williams who moderates the Yahoo Petro list. She also adopted an older girl from there. Her daughter and Almira were friends and she sent me pictures of them together from about 2 years ago. All the ladies I have spoken with had wonderful things to say about Almira. We are now waiting to hear from Scott on if she is truly legally available for adoption.
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