Thursday, March 15, 2007

Making travel plans for April 8th

March 08 - Still waiting for Jon's Dad to get his surgery set for his hip. If the surgery is later in April we may travel now. I can't wait to go. I am so excited and know that we have to wait on our visa confirmation number to apply for our Visa. Heard from Mr. Bradford, his surgery on his hip is March 21st. He needs to be in the hospital about 10 days to recover. We have decided to travel on Easter Sunday, April 8th. We can fly out of Monroe at 4:30 in the afternoon and will arrive in Almaty, Kazakhstan on Tuesday morning at 5:00AM. That would be 5:00 p.m. on Monday afternoon for us here. Yikes!! We should be able to fly out that afternoon on Air Astana and arrive in Petro about 7:30 p.m. Looks like our first day at the orphanage would be on Wednesday, April 11th.

We are still at least 4 weeks away from travelling and have so much to do. I decided to not take a class this time as I have so much to do and just can't seem to concentrate on Finance right now anyway.

I'll post again when we get our Visas done. Pray for speed in issuing our Visa confirmation numbers.


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