Even though last week seemed to speed by, it still seems much too long until we can return to pick up Almira. The appeal period ends tomorrow and I will be holding my breath on Wednesday as we find out if everything is final. I was quite happy to get a picture this weekend from the DeBolt's who are there now adopting. Dale snapped this picture of Almira with Masha in the hallway at the orphanage. Almira is still in her school uniform, so it must have been right when she got through with school. I think Masha told me that Dale is a professional photographer. You can tell it is definitely a better picture than anything we took. Thanks again for sending me a picture of Almira, Dale and Bonnie. We offered to adopt Masha while we were there as well and bring her to the U.S. She is just darling. We are hoping she can come for a visit. She just turned 24 and is a sweetheart.
At the Regional Orphanage the children have school 6 days a week, Monday through Saturday. I believe they start at 8AM and then go until 1:30 or 2:00. Then the children have lunch at 2:30 in the afternoon. We would arrive every day at 3:00 p.m. for our visits with Almira and she would be out of her school uniform and into her regular clothes. We would then stay until 4:30 when the kids would have a snack. We usually left at this time. Then I think the kids had supper at 7:30. Almira was thrilled she didn't have school on Saturdays.
Just 2 weeks from today, Sarah will meet Almira for the first time. Please pray that nothing will get in the way of our return trip for Sarah, Almira and I and that we have an uneventful return. I don't think that Almira can leave the airport in Amsterdam, so I am hopeful we won't have any delays or missed flights.
Kathy B.
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