My latest picture of Almira from Boris. She is reading the latest newsletter from OCS, the girls' school. There was an article about 2 girls winning an art award and travelling to NY for competition. I thought it might interest Almira. Someone from OCS please tell Bruce Deaton his newsletter is now in Kazakhstan. Almira has told me everytime I've heard from her that she is studying English every day.
I have been able to stay in contact with Mariya (Masha) our translator and Boris with the Antares Foundation since we've been home. It has been such a blessing to be able to get messages to and from Almira and to find out how she is doing. We know that she is very anxious to leave and come home and does not understand why she has to wait so long. I know that both Boris and Masha are doing their best to explain things.
Almira gets out of school on Friday, May 25th and Sarah on Wednesday, May 23rd. On Saturday, May 26th we will board a plane in Monroe and fly to Amsterdam and then on to Almaty, where we will land at 5AM Monday (Sunday 6PM Monroe).
Monday afternoon Almira and Masha will board a plane in Petro and arrive sometime that afternoon or evening in Almaty. We will be waiting for them at the airport. I can't wait to lay my eyes on that girl and hug her neck. We have missed her terribly and I'm starting to feel it now, being away from her for a week and a half. I didn't know it would be this hard.
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